Aly began modeling in 2011 at the request of a photographer who was shooting stock images. Since then, she has gone on to work with a variety of clients in North America. She regularly models for ads for a California-based sailing and sports apparel company, has been featured in ads for various nightlife and music events, walked on the runway for a luxury swimwear line based in the Caribbean, shot a variety of looks for a fine wig company and appeared in a TV advertisement for a luxury automotive dealership. Aly also travels the world as a successful yacht racer, and maintains a popular instagram page of her sailing adventures, on which she represents and promotes certain clothing, jewelry and liquor brands as an ambassador. Aly attended Georgetown University in Washington, DC, where she earned a degree in International Relations, and Fordham Law School, where she earned her Juris Doctorate. She is an attorney licensed in New York and practices corporate law. She presently resides in Connecticut and enjoys persuing her hobbies of sailing and ballroom dance.